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WE FORGOT HOW TO EAT - and people are dying because of it.

1. Countries with a higher meat consumption per capita have higher cancer rates than those with lower meat consumption per capita rates.

2. Cancer is directly correlated with meat-eating - or at least a diet where industrialised foods are consumed.


To reduce your risk of getting cancer eat a plant-based diet consisting of whole foods (unprocessed food) (organic is best).

We need to stop thinking that cancer, for the majority of us, is outside of our control. The logic above states that it is directly correlated/influenced by food consumption. This makes sense because the universe is governed by the law of cause and effect. If you get cancer, then something CAUSED the cancer. If a gene mutated, something MADE it mutate. If a problem goes wrong with a biological entity, usually it’s because a) the environment did not supply the right living conditions for the entity and/or b) the entity is not receiving the nutritional input it needs to thrive. How can we expect doctors to heal our problems with medication when we haven’t firstly addressed a) and b) ourselves ?

The question we need to ask is what constitutes b) for the human species? Due to migration, industrialisation, adaption etc we have forgotten what it is the human body needs to thrive. And different ethnic groups actually need to eat differently (mostly the same though) because of the nature of a) (the environment) and how that effects b) (diet; what foods were available to our ancestors in those environments).

The above logic suggests we need to seriously reevaluate our approach to diet, and think about way more factors than what is currently touted to us in school/uni - because if we don’t then we will continue to suffer with diet-related illness.

Diet isn’t just something that will affect you as an individual, but it will affect your children’s ability to thrive as well - since they were essentially made out of the chemistry you once ate, and will be learning dietary traits from you. Even if you don’t eat well, the least you can do is give your kids the best possible chance of surviving by teaching them how to eat well - because the government’s forgotten how to do it in school. And food is only getting worse and worse with time (packed full of crap not designed for us eg pesticides/preservatives.)


c) BOWEL TRANSIT TIME - some foods are processed quicker than others. You therefore shouldn’t put slow processing foods down the tube before fast processing foods. Grains process slower than fruit for example, so you should actually have fruit before anything else in the day (fruit is generally processed quicker than other foods). If you muck up the order you can experience constipation, gas, bloating etc due to fermentation.

d) MONO-MEALING - we aren’t designed to mix a bunch of foods together. Think about what your ancestors would have eaten - not a taco - but maybe just the beans. Also if you mono-meal or have a really simple meal compared to a complex meal, the chance of you mucking up c) is lessened.

e) EATING RAW - cooking food destroys nutrients. In some cases (like dark leafy greens) it can actually increase nutrients eg iron level, but from what I’ve discovered doing tonnes of fasts for over four years, the body still functions better when it eats mostly raw food. Raw food is alkalising for the body. Cooked food generally caused inflammation, even if this is at a microscopic level.

f) BE WARY OF WHAT YOU DRINK WITH MEALS - this can disrupt the absorption process

G) SNACKING ALL THE TIME - if you do this you’ll mess up proper peristalsis and you’ll experience digestive problems. The human body works best when it has a few large meals every day, not lots of little ones. And take your time in between meals - intermittent fasting is great for the body.

h) DON’T EAT RIGHT BEFORE BED OR EXERCISE - you’re not going to digest/absorb anything because the gut will be in ‘shutdown’ mode.


  1. FAST OFTEN - but do it carefully (don’t be dangerous/stupid about it). Fasting is a great way to reset the body and eliminate waste clogging the GI tract. You’ll be surprised to see what your body unclogs after eating no solids for a few days - this just goes to show us that there’s a lot clogged inside of us that shouldn’t actually be there. GET IT OUT by fasting - raw fruit juice fasting is highly recommended.

  2. If you catch a cold the last thing you should eat is chicken soup or anything actually - animals fast when they are sick, humans should too - and it allows the GI tract to rest so the body can expend energy on actually dealing with the cold.

If you do all this for even just a week you will NOTICE changes.

Your senses will heighten - my sense of taste/smell got SO MUCH BETTER it’s insane. I can now tell you if a juice is raw or from concentrate just by tasting it. And it’s also very obvious what food has refined sugar and salt in it. Bread tastes like cake!!!

I highly recommend you follow the dietary 'rules' above and see for yourself what can happen if you follow the diet we were actually designed for!!!

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